At the izakaya.

Andy, Lizzie, Luke and Vinh

Oh I love fundoshis!! Adam had to tape up his tatoos since they're strictly forbidden in festivals. They're a sign of the Yakuza (japanese mafia).

Adam, Luke and James warming up!

Andy and Adam. The red and yellow tape signified Nara JETs so they could try and keep track of each other.

I was loving this festival way too much!

What? Me try to peek? No way! Mr. Blue Backpack there wasnt letting me, though...

Adam and Vinh... warming up maybe? Displaying their friendship? Showing a new side of themselves? Who knows... funny though!

The temple where all the men gather... the human mass is small here...

Liquid Humanity... The black part in the middle is the medic team going in to save someone.
Your man has a nice butt babe. But I let you in on a little secret... my man's is better :p
Hahaha! Im not so sure about that. But then again, I havent seen it and I guess were both a bit biased, huh?
I believe, if my Kawayu memory serves me... That would be none other than Sir James Kennedy...
Really? I wasnt sure... His face looks kinda funny. He does have a nice ass though. Aarons right. Whether or not its better than Adam's well.... I think I have to see them both again in person, haha!
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