"Dear, Angie-teacher
Hello! My name is Kae Inoue. I'm first grade fifth class. (You always come to my class on Monday.)
I was thinking that I want to write letter for Angie-teacher. The first, let me introduce for you.
I'm a member of tennis club. (But I couldn't play tennis yesterday because it was rain yesterday.)
Do you like sports? I like very much. For example, soccer (to watch the game) and volleyball!
I was a member of volleyball club in junior high school. I and my friends enjoyed everyday!
What were you playing any kind of sports? I want to know!
I write letter in English first. So, my English is very strange...
But I wrote very hard! I and Nanako is planning big project! That must surprise you!
Please wait that time. You will be surprised by our project.
I think I want to write a letter for you again.
If you have time today or tomorrow, I want a letter from you.
Please letter for me!
Thanks for read this letter,
From Kae Inoue"

"Dear Angie-teacher
Hello! My name is Nanako Kawayama. I'm a member of 1-5.
I'm glad you teached in my class every Monday.
I very enjoyed your lesson!!
And I and Kae have a surprise plan!
But it's a secret everyone!!!
Maybe you very surprise.
Please you're looking forward to plan!!
From Nanako Kawayama"
OK now tell me that wouldnt move you to tears if you got that!! How adorable! Havent gotten the surprise yet but I wrote them each a letter telling them about which sports I like etc and how wonderful I thought the letters were. I also told them that their English was good and that not to worry, it didnt have to be perfect, as long as its understandable--thats the most important thing. I also reminded them that making mistakes was a very good thing--that only through mistakes do you truly learn. I told them that I was trying to learn Japanese and finding it very difficult. I said that I make mistakes all the time. This is the thing that Japanese students have the hardest time with. Theyre absolutely petrified of making mistakes. So I try and dispell that in my classes. Anyway, since they made the effort to write me letters AND create some sort of surprise for me, I decided to give them each a sand dollar that I'd collected over the summer, bleached and enscribed on the back "Vashon Island, Washington, USA". I hadnt wanted to give those out before since I consider them so special. But this situation definitely warranted a sand dollar! Anyway, I hope they like them! I had to hold back tears when I was reading the letters and they had the power to turn my otherwise frustrating day (working with the JTE I dont like...) into a wonderfully positive day. I felt I was high for the rest of the day! It was wonderful.
On the way to the bus stop after work, the Indian woman who lives in the apartment complex next to the school and with whom Im now friends with, asked me if I could possibly teach her about America (the culture, language/dialect etc.) since theyre planning on going there in September. I said I could definitely do that and then she offered to pay me, which of course, I immediately refused. She insisted though, saying that she really wanted it to be a once a week thing and to continue for awhile. So I told her that if it made her feel better she could..... but I dont know. I kinda feel bad. We shall see. Unfortunately I have NO idea what to tell her about America!! She said she doesnt have any specific questions, she just wants to listen to me talk about it or something.... HELP!! If any of you guys have any ideas, Im more that open to anything!
Anyway, Im kinda sad now that Ive had my last class with those students. I feel like Ive just started to get to know them a little bit... oh well.
By the way, this was a very happy blog, but the next one (which will be above) is gonna be really bitter... just a warning!
Canada is bigger and on top... if this were prison, America would be Canada's bitch... you can tell her that ;)
And those letters were super cute, by the way...
Hahaha! Yeah.... well... i dont know if ill phrase it like that... although it is true. i think im gonna start out by teaching her some geography and the cultural regions and some sayings.. i dunno. hope its ok. and thanks liv for signing up to this and commenting!! are you in the UK now??
Fabulous letters, and congrats on actually getting a picture of yourself up there for your profile very well done.
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