Thursday, December 07, 2006

Pre-vacation Giddiness!!

I know it's been awhile since I've posted, but things have been a little hectic these past few weeks... but I guess I say that every time. Sorry.

Annnnyway, in exactly 2 weeks from today I will be getting ready to head to the airport and go home to Vashon for the holidays. I'm seriously so excited I can barely contain myself. When people here ask me what my plans are for New Year's, I get a really goofy grin on my face and say "I'm goin' home!" However, I'm sure I'm romanitcizing this waaaay too much. Knowing how much I wanted to leave the States in the first place, I have a feeling the reverse culture shock will be a bit harsher than I'm used to. Suddenly being able to understand ALL the conversations and small talk going on around me might be a bit overwhelming if not downright annoying at times. I've become really accostumed to being in my own private little world, which can be very peaceful and nice at times, but also has the drawback of allowing me WAAAAAY too much thinking time -- hence, all my seemingly wild and crazy plans.

On the other hand, apart from the angst of reverse culture shock, I know there will be a lot of things about America that I'll appreciate, when I took them for granted before. I'm sure through my previous rants that these things are already apparent: central heating/AC, insulation, clothes that actually fit me, SHOES that actually fit me (losing weight won't make my feet smaller...), whole grain bread, a wide variety of rice, cheddar cheese, cheaper veggies and fruits, washers that DON'T ruin your clothes, dryers (!!) etc. With the prospect of raiding the malls during the "End of the Year Sales" (not sure why we don't just have Boxing Day like in Canada), I've been preparing by looking at, or to see what's "in" at the moment. After such sessions, I have a strange consumeristic high, even though I try to resist such feelings. It's been way too long since I've been shopping for myself and honestly, some of my clothes are becoming a little, how should I say, raggedy.... Even though I feel guilty about contributing to the consumeristic atmosphere that surrounds the holidays, I think I can allow myself to go buck wild this year, especially considering how much I HAVEN'T bought in the last year and a half, AND how much money I've saved (I won't write the amount here, but let me just say that it's a very comfy amount, hehe!).

NOTE: To anyone who still needs to get Adam a Christmas present -- namely parents -- he desperately needs a classy, good warm winter coat! I might even buy him one myself if I see a good deal....

Other things I'm looking forward to when back are: seeing my parents and family again of course! I do want to mention here that the first couple days will be really weird for Adam and me. I've heard that the jet-lag going back in time is much more stressful on the body than it is going forward in time. Just to give you some perspective as to what we'll be feeling: We'll be leaving Japan at approximately 1:30pm on Thursday and, after flying to Korea, waiting a few hours before flying to Seattle, will be arriving at Seatac at around 11:15am the same day.... theoretically BEFORE we left Japan. At 11:15am in Seattle it's 4:15am the next day in Japan. Basically, you'll be seeing what Adam and I look like after an all-nighter in Osaka (minus the hangover but jet-lag might be similar!), soooo please be gentle! It's not like we can just go to bed at noon when we get in either. If we do that, then our schedules will be permanently messed up. The next day, mom wants us to decorate the Christmas tree, then we go to my dad's and Eileen's house for dinner, and THEN over to Sean's (if we're still alive).... Mom -- don't be surprised if it looks like a couple drunks decorated the tree! Dad and Eileen -- wine might not be a great idea, and please don't expect too much intelligent conversation out of us! Sean -- if you're lucky enough to see us alive after all this.... well, don't be surprised if we just pass out on your couch!

Ok, that will be all for today I suppose. It's not like I have anything more important to do, because I don't. I just really have to pee, and I need to go to the combini (circle K) to get some lunch... my belly is grumblin'! So I'm signing off for now and hopefully will get in another post before I leave.

OH OH WAIT!! I can't believe I almost forgot to mention this and thank God I remembered it on the way back from the bathroom (too much info?)!! One other thing that I'm very much looking forward to is our trip to Vancouver! Aaron will be coming all the way from Chicago to visit me on January 3rd!!!!!! Then the next day Adam is flying in from Texas and we'll be heading to Vancouver (BC.... not Washington) along with my mom and Kirk (brother)! It's going to be so much fun and guaranteed to be interesting. I wish Aaron could stay longer than 6 days, but I guess the price goes up a lot after that. Oh well.... we shall meet up again at some time! Ok, now I'm really going, for real.... I'm gone.