Now, I feel very shameful for admitting that Im so reliant on this stupid piece of technology, but it has ALL my contact information in it... by losing your cell phone, you commit social suicide! Anyway, I was freaking out a bit, but figured that my friend would be nice enough to call the bar the next evening to see if they found anything. Turns out a friend of Zack's had seen it, figured it belonged to one of us and took it home. Then the next day, he called and reported it, so I ended up getting it back!!! Hooray!! Thank god im in Japan! I dont know if I would have gotten it back, had I been back in the States... or even Europe. In this respect I like the fact that people are so honest here. You could lose your wallet and still have a good chance at getting it back!
The next night we were getting together with Helen (another friend... Zack's ex) and a few other friends: Aaron, Tsukasa (his boyfriend), Vinh and Laura. We got some dinner and then went for karaoke and it was an overall blast! Helen, Aaron, and Tsukasa all came back to crash at our place where we played the game "Never have I ever..." and learned all sorts of interesting things about each other, hehehe....
Here are some pics from that night.

Aaron and I just being goofy.

Laura, Adam (just being himself...), and Vinh

The boys.... hehehe (Tsukasa, Vinh, Aaron)

Helen, me, Adam
And the best picture of the night! An excellent example of how funny Engrish can be!

Creamy Collons Anyone???
would have loved to be there on Saturday :( Tokyo was cool but I spent most of my trip on the train...
Thanks so much for writing that email to me, I am a horrible person when you sent me the blog update today I went OH MY GOD I HAVENT written her back and I was feeling very guilty. Anyway the cream collon is SO funny I made Santi come and see it. Here they have bimbo bread, perhaps I will smuggle my camera into the supermarket and take a photo.
Hahaha! Thats funny too. They also have some "Homo sausages" here. I think they actually might be called "homo weenahs (wieners)"...... very funny and very disgusting since theyre made out of fish cake...ewww!
OK angie! Time for another update! Whats going on and how are the newbies settling in?
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