The next day we went to Osakajokoen (Osaka Castle Park) to see all the plum blossoms in bloom. They were gorgeous and I took some pretty nice pictures. It was also one of the warmest days this year so far, so that made it all the better!

See? I didn't even need my wool or down jacket! Yaay!

We saw some bright pink trees and some white ones. I had the impression that they went from white to pink as they bloomed, but I could (and probably am) completely wrong. There might just be pink ones and white ones! Whatever, they're still gorgeous!

We also spotted many interesting outfits on peoples' dogs, this being the winner for the most ridiculous! I mean Ive seen doggie outfits from tutus to neon green puffy vests to baby doll dresses, but never had I seen such torture as sunglasses on a dog. And theyre not even human sunglasses! They were actually made for the dog! Now, Im not a dog expert, but I really have a strong feeling that dogs DONT NEED SUNGLASSES! Honestly, people!! Come on, now... Whatever, theyre Japanese... that says everything!
That same night was Sams going away (aka going back to Australia) party and lots of us got together in Yagi for some dinner, drinks and karaoke! The night was a blast and there are some good pics that came out of it!

Take a REALLY close look at this Engrish Menu. If you have to, click on the picture and look in the middle under the flavors of cyuhai (chuhai = japanese style spritzer). Look again, really closely. Now, answer me this. What exactly would a "cock" flavored chuhai taste like? I mean.... I have some ideas, but what worries me is HOW they got this particular flavor! What are they doing to our drinks in the back room?!?!?! This is rather worrisome, is it not? After careful consideration, we thought maybe, just maybe they meant to write "coke"? Even then, a coke flavored chuhai would be disgusting and strange... In any event, this was either another case of electronic dictionary non-wisdom, or the person that wrote this failed English class! (or was maybe learning the wrong kind of English?) Whatever, you decide!

Our table... someone does NOT know how to take a good group pic...

The other table with Sam there in the front eating Japanese spaghetti. The Japanese woman to the right just happens to be the most gorgeous Japanese woman Ive ever seen and also happens to be the wife of our fellow friend and JET Andy Sowter (on the left, hidden, with the baby). Their daughter is very cute as well, as most mixed children are. But wow, I was floored when I saw her. The pic doesnt quite do her justice.
So yeah, I could put some random karaoke pics on here, but Im really tired, I ran a few kilometers today, my shoulders hurt and the rest of the pics are on my shutterfly account which you all can access if you click on the link to the right! I couldnt put all the pics here cuz this is already an insanely long post. Hope you all enjoyed!!
Ok I am sorry but dog sunglasses are fabulous. The sun here is intense! Santi made up a pair for his dog when they go running and the dog loves them!!!! that is all I have to say.
Hey Angie, I just wanted to say that if you want to talk to me online, text message my phone! i am on alot and I forget to put on skype I am sorry!
Haha. It looks like I'm choking Geoff in that picture... How appropriate ;)
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